Recording day 2: onboard the vessels

Recording day 2: onboard the vessels

Well, it’s not every day that you record on a battleship and a submarine. But we did it. There were some hold-ups when we first got there, because it turned out that the steam room was effectively out of bounds because of asbestos risk … but luckily there were plenty of spare engineering wheels and other metallic objects to hit on HMAS Onslow, the submarine, and apart from some atmospheric rain and seagull calls, it was quiet there because MOD Productions had actually started the installation!


The excerpt above is from Waves, which has turned out really well in the recording (the audio here is just from the camera mics, in case you’re wondering why it’s so poor!).

Loading into the sub

Having recorded so much music yesterday, we weren’t quite as efficient today. After moving to the and recording some excellent live performances, it became obvious that we weren’t going to have time to perfect the graphic notation in crossing the line nor the complicated rhythms in gun bay. So instead we decided to sample all of the sounds that I’d specified in the score, and it’s now down to me to engineer those and then perform them as a final “real” recording. So lots more work to do, but more claim to have a truly technology-integrated electro-acoustic piece…


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